Yoji Tagami

Yoji Tagami

Since August 1982, he has managed an agency of Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. and a company manufacturing and selling engine oil and filters. He has two overseas subsidiaries and has stayed abroad for a long period of time. He has experienced both sides of the insurance business, the selling side and the buying side. I would like to write a blog about failure stories and insurance claims.

Reverse Travel Insurance Recommendations

What kind of travel insurance is recommended for Japanese residents abroad who are "temporarily returning to Japan"? (Tokio Marine & Nichido service)

海外在住者が日本へ一時帰国時に加入できる保険は大きく2つの種類があります。1. 国民健康保険2. 逆海外旅行保険もちろん、どちらの保険に加入しても問題ありません。ただし、健康保険に入らなければ自由診療となり治療費用の負担額が高くなるため注意しなければなりません。その点で言えば逆海外旅行保険に入っていれば万が一のトラブル時は安心ですね。もし何も入らなければ「無保険状

Reverse Travel Insurance Recommendations

Reverse overseas travel insurance is recommended by Japanese insurance companies over overseas travel insurance (manager's experience with a certain commercial transaction problem).
