Long term business trip to establish a local subsidiary in NZ. Initially, I used a hotel, but due to cost, inability to stay consecutive nights, etc., I made reservations and moved each time. It became a hassle, so I decided to rent a room locally.
No-we thought it would be easy in the weather, but this is difficult. No landlord would rent a room to someone without a residence visa. I went to see several landlords, was turned down, and finally an Indian landlord agreed to rent me a room.
A house and a landlord's house on the same lot. I rushed to the mall to buy bedding, but since the rent negotiations were protracted (more expensive than usual) and it was late, there was nothing suitable, so I slept that night wearing layers of clothes (the opposite of the season in Japan), but I caught a cold and called the insurance company call center, which referred me to a cashless hospital.
When I went there, there were several Japanese people there and they were waiting for their turn. I was the last one to arrive and was the first to be examined because I had an English-language certificate of insurance.
As I felt when renting a room, it takes time without objective documents such as a residence visa or proof of English-language attachments, even if I repeatedly told them to trust me. From that experience,
In our case, we are able to issue proof of coverage in English at the same time as the insurance is purchased. Don't forget, we can issue the certificate of insurance in English at the same time you purchase the insurance.

Auckland cityscape from the Sky Tower, Auckland's landmark