
Why are Japanese winters so cold?


Russians don’t easily get colds, “Why Japan’s winter is cold?”. I remembered these words. The current season in Hanoi is cold. Many people are wearing down jackets. In town, there are few English notations and menus are not easy to understand, so I have to choose my order carefully.Many motorcycles run on the road, and for Japanese people, it is difficult to cross the road. At the immigration, I placed my company’s brake pads for the sample in a suitcase, brought to the office and opened it. It can be irritating. But if we don’t’ allow everything, our business won’t start. Think about future strategies while drinking beer in SONG HONG LOUNGES at the airport.


田上 洋治

田上 洋治

昭和57年8月から、東京海上火災保険株式会社の代理店を経営、かたわら、エンジンオイル、フィルターの製造販売の会社を経営。 海外現地法人が2か所有り、海外長期滞在経験あり。 保険を販売する側と、加入する側の両サイドの両方を経験しています。失敗談や、保険金請求についてブログに書いていきたい。